New Boulder Grading-System

9. August 2023
Ki Neue Boulder Grade

We are excited to introduce our brand-new bouldering grading scale, ranging from 1 to 9.

The easiest boulder problems will now be assigned a grade of 1, while the most challenging ones will receive a grade of 9. What was previously labeled as RED now corresponds to grade number 5. Similarly, what was previously GREEN is now grade 2.

All existing boulder problems have been appropriately marked. All new bouldering routes will still be designed and climbed according to color codes, but they will be graded using the new numbering system. It will take approximately six weeks to rebuild all 250 boulder problems in line with the new system. During this transition period, both grading systems will run in parallel, but all boulder problems will be marked between grades 1 and 9.

This transition allows us to optimize the use of our climbing walls and grip selection more effectively. This scale enables us to create more boulder problems in the range of grades 1 to 4 where appropriate. As a result, you’ll have the opportunity to enjoy holds that were previously only found on higher difficulty climbs.

Have a fantastic time bouldering, and enjoy the experience!

Warm regards, Your Ki Team