
Service is our Success
So that you never get bored, we are constantly resetting about 200 boulders and 550 routes. For this we have developed a special rotation system. On our overview board you can always see which sector is to be redesigned this or next week.
Kletterzentrum Innsbruck Boulderbau
Boulder setting
This Week
  • Pilz

Next Week
  • Campus
Kletterzentrum Routenbau
This Week
  • Überhang KI

Next Week
  • Galerie Toprope
Kletterzentrum Routen Datenbank
Route list

Boulder: ~ 200
Routes: ~ 500


The Innsbruck climbing center is regularly rebuilt, new boulders and new routes, from the simplest to the most difficult levels, are created by experienced route setters.